Volume 5 Number 4

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Colored-sketch of Text Information

Beomjin Kim
Indiana University – Purdue University

Philip Johnson
Indiana University – Purdue University

Adam S. Huarng
California State University Los Angeles

This paper presents an information visualization method, which transforms text into abstracted visual representations. The proposed color-coding algorithm converts text into a sequence of colored icons that inform users about the distributional patterns of given queries, as well as the structural overview of a document simultaneously. By presenting the compact, but instructive visual abstraction of texts concurrently, users can compare multiple documents intuitively while alleviating the need to reference the underlying text. The system provides interactive navigation tools to support users’ decision-making processes – including multi-level viewing, a tree hierarchy recording previous search activities, and suggestive words for refinement of the search scope. An experimental study evaluating this visual approach for delivering search results has been conducted on text corpora in comparison with a traditional information retrieval system. By informing search results to clientele in a perceptive form, the users’ performance in obtaining desired information has been improved, while maintaining the accuracy.
Keywords: visualization, information retrieval, color-coding, user-c344 interface, decision-support system

175 - 187

WebSpy: An Architecture for Monitoring Web Server Availability in a Multi-Platform Environment

Madhan Mohan Thirukonda
Florida Institute of Technology

Shirley Ann Becker
Northern Arizona University

For an electronic business (e-business), customer satisfaction can be the difference between long-term success and short-term failure. Customer satisfaction is highly impacted by Web server availability, as customers expect a Web site to be available twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. Unfortunately, unscheduled Web server downtime is often beyond the control of the organization. What is needed is an effective means of identifying and recovering from Web server downtime in order to minimize the negative impact on the customer. An automated architecture, called WebSpy, has been developed to notify administration and to take immediate action when Web server downtime is detected. This paper describes the WebSpy architecture and differentiates it from other popular Web monitoring tools. The results of a case study are presented as a means of demonstrating WebSpy’s effectiveness in monitoring Web server availability.

Keywords: Web Server, Web Server Management, Web Server Monitoring, Web Server Availability, Web Server Downtime, Electronic business, Electronic commerce, Enterprise Web Server

189 - 218

Empirical Validation Procedure for the Knowledge Management Technology Stage Model

Petter Gottschalk
Norwegian School of Management

Stages of growth models have been used widely in both organizational research and information technology management research. However, stages of growth models are criticized for lack of empirical validity. This paper develops a survey instrument to empirically validate a knowledge management technology stage model. The survey instrument has several parts that enable cross-examination of responses. One important instrument part is concerned with Guttman scaling which is a cumulative scaling technique.

Keywords: validation, Guttman scaling, survey instrument, knowledge management, information technology, stages of growth model, law firms


The Prediction of Perceived Level of Computer Knowledge: The Role of Participant Characteristics and Aversion toward Computers

David M. Compton
Palm Beach Atlantic University, USA

William H. Burkett
Palm Beach Atlantic University,  USA

Gail G. Burkett
Palm Beach Community College, USA

As we move into a new century, the ability to predict the impact of computer attitudes on computer knowledge is still a key component to the understanding of information sciences. Survey data about computer knowledge, interest, and level of interest were collected from 478 students at three types of colleges - a four-year liberal arts college, a business college, and a community college.  The participants included individuals who fell within three self-rated computer knowledge categories, novice (n = 46), average (n = 286), or expert (n =146), Stepwise discriminant function analysis was used to find the best subset of surveyed characteristics with which to discriminate among respondents with novice, average, or expert levels of computer knowledge.  Two composite measures extracted from a previous analysis, reinforcement expectations for computers, and efficacy expectations for computers, and the statement, “I know how to use computer programs,” were significant predictors of computer competency.  Conversely, traditionally examined demographic variables such as gender and age were not significant predictors.  Implications for the present findings are discussed.

Keywords: discriminant function analysis, computer aversion, computer anxiety, computer attitude