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- The Reflexivity between
ICTs and Business Culture: Applying
Hofstede’s Theory to Compare Norway and
the United States,
Jan-Oddvar Sørnes, Keri Keilberg Stephens,
Alf Steinar Sætre,
& Larry Davis Browning..........................................................................................................1
- The Value of User
Participation in E-Commerce Systems Development
Julian Terry & Craig Standing
- Email and Misinformation:
A South African Case Study
Laurette Pretorius and Andries Barnard
- Evaluation of the Human
Impact of Password Authentication
Practices on Information Security
Deborah Sater Carstens, Pamela R.
McCauley-Bell, Linda C. Malone,
& Ronald F. DeMara
Improving the Chances of Getting your IT Curriculum Innovation Successfully
Adopted by the Application of an Ecological
Approach to Innovation
Arthur Tatnall & Bill Davies
- Use-Cases and Personas: A
Case Study in Light-Weight User Interaction Design for Small Development
Gary Randolph
- Pathways to Enhance
Environmental Assessment Information Systems
David J. LePoire, John J. Arnish, Timothy
R. Klett,
Robert L. Johnson, & Shih-Yew Chen
Expanding the Concept of Usability
Alex Koohang